PSP Lua Player and PSP Golf (April 4, 2006)
Jenn takes a look at the Logitech PlayGear Pocket, offers up some money saving PSP tips, and goes into the fun she’s been having with the PSP Lua player and PSP Golf with extra map packs. Also, she’s a guest on April’s Hak.5 so be sure to check it out! (8:45)
During the shoot I lost a light so it’s pretty apparent what I shot before and after… next time I’ll pick up a spare bulb.
NOTICE: These almost as old as dirt OpenAlpha episodes have the original show notes below meaning plenty — if not all — of the links have been broken thanks to the decay of time and souls. Be warned!
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Show Notes
Logitech PlayGear Pocket – nice, sturdy case and well worth the money.
Logitech PlayGear Amp – not worth the money unless you really like the look and portability of it. Just use computer speakers or get a mini-to-mini connector.
PSP Lua Player – handy dandy little widgets for the PSP as well as a framework for aspiring PSP and game developers. LUA, of course.
PSP Golf – tons of fun despite the apparent simplicity of the game. Go get it and see for yourself.
Don’t forget to check out the 9th episode of Hak.5!
What kind of Tablet PC do I have? Compaq TC1000. So stop asking 😉